CMRK is a network of four independent institutions in Graz whose common interest lies in the conveyance of contemporary art within an international context.

6pm  <rotor>
7pm Camera Austria
8pm Grazer Kunstverein
9pm Künstlerhaus KM– Halle für Kunst & Medien

Free Shuttlebus
Departure Vienna
9.3.2018, 3pm
Opera bus stop, Bus 59a
Departure Graz
9.3.2018, 10.30pm
Künstlerhaus KM–, Burgring 2


CMRK archive:
Spring 2017
Summer 2017
Autumn 2017
Winter 2017

Artists of the AiR programme West Balkan Calling

» Opening: 09.03.2018, 6 pm
» Duration: 10.3.-26.5.2018

Participating artists:
Stefano Romano/DZT, Dante Buu, Veronika Eberhart, Nina Valerie Kolowratnik, Marko Kosović, Wolfgang Obermair, Danilo Prnjat, Gregor Schlatte, Deniz Sözen, tadi, Inge Vavra, Velimir Zernovski

From 2015 to 2016, the artist-in-residence programme “West Balkan Calling” took place in Belgrade, Cetinje, Prishtina, Sarajevo, Skopje and Tirana as well as in Graz, Klagenfurt, Krems, Linz and Vienna. A total of 12 artists visited the cities mentioned above for a residency. During this time, they realised works of art and/or were inspired to create new works, which will be presented in the exhibition “responseABILITY”. In parallel to this, a 12-part poster series will be published.


Saturday, March 10, 2018, 11 am
Brunch with artists and < rotor > team in the exhibition

Saturday, April 21, 2018, 11 am
Dialogical tour with Max Aufischer, Cultural City Network, Graz (in German)

Saturday, April 5, 2018, 11 am
Curatorial conversation about the exhibition. Guest: Nora Leitgeb, lend|hauer, Klagenfurt (in German)
aktuelle Kunst in graz – Galerientage, extended opening hours

Wolfgang Obermair,
'Skopje aqueduct wet towel try', 2016