CRK+ is a network of four independent institutions in Graz whose common interest lies in the conveyance of contemporary art within an international context.

6pm <rotor>
7pm Camera Austria
8pm Grazer Kunstverein
from 8pm Grazer Kunstverein Summer Party+

Free Shuttlebus
Departure Vienna
14.06.2019, 3pm
Station Opera, Bus 59a
Departure Graz
14.06.2019, 11pm
Station in front of Künstlerhaus KM– Burgring 2


CRK+ archive:
Spring 2017
Summer 2017
Autumn 2017
Winter 2017
Spring 2018
Summer 2018
Autumn 2018
Winter 2018
Spring 2019


No Society Will Emerge without Commitment to Diversity
Guerrilla of Enlightenment

» Opening: 14.6.2019, 6 pm
» Duration: 15.6.-3.8. and 26.8.-7.9.2019

Participating artists:
Amoako Boafo, Daniela Brasil, Imayna Caceres, Verena Melgarejo Weinandt, Maryam Mohammadi / Joachim Hainzl, Daniela Ortiz, Lisl Ponger, RISOGRAD, Sophie Utikal, Ina Wudtke

No matter what it's called in the different contexts: group-related misanthropy, ethnic profiling, racism—”The last remnant of decency requires everybody to stand up against it.” (Michael Köhlmeier). In the fourth and for the time being final part of the exhibition series Guerrilla of Enlightenment, works by artists are shown that deal with the equivalence of all human beings with regard to their dignity and their rights.

This exhibition is dedicated to the Migrants’ Advisory Board of the City of Graz, whose work stands for a culture of openness.


Monday, 17.6.2019, 7pm
Buchpräsentation und Podiumsdiskussion. Kunst und Ethnografie – zwischen Kooperation und Ko-Produktion? Mit: Ute Holfelder und Klaus Schönberger (Herausgeber*innen), Lisl Ponger, Eva Kreissl, Moderation: Judith Laister, Anton Lederer. In Kooperation mit dem Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie/Universität Graz
In German language

Wednesday, 26.6.2019, 7pm
Guided tour through the exhibition

Saturday, 29.6.2019, 3pm
Multilingual Story-time – Reading resistance. Daniela Brasil reads and tells, in Portuguese and German. For children from 4 years of age

Wednesday, 3.7.2019, 7pm
Presentation. Parabol Art Magazine #9 - The Ritual Issue. With: Katharina Boesch and Andreas Krištof (section.a), Imayna Caceres und Verena Melgarejo Weinandt (curators), Sophie Utikal (artist)

Wednesday, 10.7.2019, 7pm
Im Gespräch über die Ausstellung. Zu Gast: Nacha Mina-Stöttner (Plattform Menschenrechte und Solidaridad)
In German language

Thursday, 18.7.2019, 11am until 6pm
Diversity is Reality. Racism is no option! Day of action at Volksgarten. In cooperation with Stadtteilprojekt ANNENViERTEL

Saturday, 7.9.2019, 3pm
Guided tour on the last day of the exhibition

Amoako Boafo, „Blue Suits“ from the series
„Black Diaspora”, 2019.