CRKF is a network of four independent institutions in Graz whose common interest lies in the conveyance of contemporary art within an international context.


CRKF archive:
Spring 2017
Summer 2017
Autumn 2017
Winter 2017
Spring 2018
Summer 2018
Autumn 2018
Winter 2018
Spring 2019
Summer 2019
Autumn 2019
Winter 2019
Summer 2020
Autumn 2020
Winter 2020
Spring 2021
Summer 2021
Winter 2021
Spring 2022
Summer 2022
Winter 2022


Lucie Stahl: Transit Interior

17.3.2023, 6 pm

18.3. – 21.5.2023

Opening hours
Tue – Sun and bank holidays
10 am – 6 pm
Open in addition: 10.4., 1.5.2023

Guided tours
German, English
Free, on request:
+43 316 81555016

Curated by
Christina Töpfer

In both her photographic and sculptural work, Lucie Stahl explores the highly abstracted relationship of humans to their environment, and to other life forms. She sheds light on the abysses of those mechanisms that underpin the consumer societies of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Her interest lies in a culture of extraction, in obsessive use and wear, in overproduction and related modes of production, processing, and consumption—that is, mechanisms of suction, pumping, flow, and of the conversion of liquid resources into energy.

For the exhibition Transit Interior at Camera Austria, Lucie Stahl’s first institutional solo exhibition in Austria, the artist takes as her point of departure photographs made during a trip to the United States in 2013. Momentary impressions taken while riding in a car, in which different times—the bygone, the present, and the future waiting down the road ahead—coincide, are accompanied by large-format scanned works suggestive of landscapes. Visitors delve into an interstitial space that sketches the interior of a vehicle or of a cinema; almost palpable in this space are the inscrutable depths behind (not only) American Car Culture. Charged stereotypes of the American landscape with its intrinsic sublimity collide with a culture of supposed “endless freedom” characterized by individualism. The fascination of these aspects comes to a standstill in an era of climate change, with the visible, inescapable consequences of the extractivism that makes all this possible.

Lucie Stahl, Transit Interior 4 (2013), 2023. Courtesy:
the artist & Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna