CRKF is a network of four independent institutions in Graz whose common interest lies in the conveyance of contemporary art within an international context.


CRKF archive:
Spring 2017
Summer 2017
Autumn 2017
Winter 2017
Spring 2018
Summer 2018
Autumn 2018
Winter 2018
Spring 2019
Summer 2019
Autumn 2019
Winter 2019
Summer 2020
Autumn 2020
Winter 2020
Spring 2021
Summer 2021
Winter 2021
Spring 2022
Summer 2022
Winter 2022
Spring 2023
Autumn 2023


Double Exposure

With works by
Rebekka Bauer, Oliver Husain & Kerstin Schroedinger, Sara-Lena Maierhofer, Sim Chi Yin,
and: Lisa Holzer, Flo Maak, Sophie Meuresch, Georg Petermichl, Stefanie Seufert, Niklas Taleb.

24.11.2023, 6 pm

Lecture Performance
Oliver Husain and Kerstin Schroedinger:
DNCB – A History of Irritation
25.11.2023, 4 pm

Artist talk
Sim Chi Yin
7.12.2023, 4 pm

25.11.2023 – 28.1.2024

Opening hours
Tue – Sun and bank holidays
10 am – 6 pm

Guided tours
German, English
Free, on request:
+43 316 81555016

Curated by
Anna Voswinckel

In the context of the exhibition, the image of “double exposure,” borrowed from the field of analogue photography, serves as a metaphor for processes of memory politics that are explored and transformed through randomly found images or specific viewings of archives. What does it mean to expose oneself repeatedly to inscription? Four very different artistic practices are juxtaposed here; each of them employs individual methods that visually (re)write unavailable or repressed experience and, in doing so, react to the dispositives of the respective media and the aesthetics of the image.

While Sara-Lena Maierhofer’s photographic works initiate a process of reflection on questions of documentation and the evaluation of (colonial) archives, Sim Chi Yin’s multimedia practice illuminates the complex, transnational political entanglements of colonialism and its traumatic effects on (family) biographies and expands the intergenerational process of memory work. Through procedures of positioning and montage, Rebekka Bauer’s mixed-media installation Die Aufstellung (The Constellation, 2020–present) searches for clues as to how unprocessed history and violence carry through family biographies and leave their mark on bodies and relationships. In their joint artistic research work DNCB (2021), Oliver Husain and Kerstin Schroedinger combine material experiments, historical research, and performance to uncover a little-known history of research and movement that is uniquely linked to the history of analogue photography.

The group exhibition will be integrated as a spatial intervention in parts of the previous exhibition Exposure and will resonate with the remaining works.

Oliver Husain and Kerstin Schroedinger,
still from: DNCB, 2021